CTIS’24 Workshop: Interdisciplinary Insights into Spatio-Temporal Data Mining for Predictive Modeling in Nanomaterials Science is conducted under the 2nd International Conference on Computer Technology and Information Science, held during June 21-23, 2024 in Ordos, China.

The conference session aims to explore the interdisciplinary frontiers of time-spatial data mining and its applications in predicting structural and property-relevant descriptors of nanomaterials. Emphasizing the convergence of computational methodologies, machine learning algorithms, and materials informatics, the session will delve into the nuanced intricacies inherent within nanomaterial systems.

Topics of interest include but are not limited to:

1. Time-Spatial Data Mining Techniques:

  • Novel approaches for analyzing temporal and spatial patterns in diverse datasets.
  • Integration of advanced algorithms to extract meaningful insights from multidimensional data structures.
  • Predictive Modeling in Nanomaterial Research.

2. Application of intelligent algorithms to forecast structural characteristics and material properties.

  • Optimization strategies for training models to enhance predictive accuracy and efficiency.
  • Computational Strategies for Materials Informatics:
  • Utilization of computational tools to decipher complex relationships within nanomaterial datasets.
  • Exploration of data-driven methodologies to expedite materials discovery and design processes.

CTIS’24: STDM-PMNS Committee Member

Dr. Zhexu XI
Bristol Centre for Nanoscience and Quantum Information, University of Bristol

Areas of Expertise: Quantum information, artificial intelligence, nanotechnology