Cultural Computing文化计算


a) 产品设计(数字和非数字)
b) 表演艺术(数字和非数字)
c) 客户参与(数字和非数字)
d) 电子教育
e) 电子健康
f) 电子商务

CTIS–CC' 25 分会主席/发起人

Prof. Chien-Sing Lee
Sunway University, Malaysia

My research interests are in creative thinking, design, design thinking, computational thinking, data mining, knowledge management, collaborative learning/systems, games, optimization, Art & Design. My learning/publication history can be found at: https://www.scopus.com/authid/detail.uri?authorId=57205431488. Coming from an Education- Information Technology background, I am mainly inspired by the students’ product/packaging designs when I was a Faculty in the Faculty of Creative Industries in Universiti Tunku Abdul Rahman, Malaysia, the open literature on cultural computing, and the innovative product designs, in Lazada and Shopee. I have discussed some of these innovations, in terms of lean, affordable, multi-purpose designs, in some past publications.

各分会正在积极招募 主题报告人,邀请报告人和口头汇报人,欢迎大家举荐或者自荐!